Serveys and Databases
DSS input form
The SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey
SkyServer. DR12 Navigator
Gaia archive
VisieR Search Form
The SuperWASP
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey
SkyMapper. Southern Sky Servey
NED. Extragalactic DataBase
CDS/ADS Abstract Servey
SIMBAD Astronomical Database
GCVS. Query form
AAVSO Variable Star Search. Query Form
AAVSO. International Variable Star Index
The Two Micron All Sky Survey.
Image Service
IRAS: InfraRed Astronomical Satellite
The NRAO VLA Sky Survey
Catalog of Globular Cluster Variables
Supernovae Links
Identification of Small Planets Using Their Positions
Ephemerides of Observable Comets (IAU)
Ephemerides of Moving Bodies (NASA/JPL)
NIST Atomic Spectra Database (Lines Form)
GEOS. RR Lyr Database
A Library of High-Resolution Spectra of Stars across the H-R Diagram.
The UVES Paranal Observatory Project
ESO: List of Spectrophotometric Standards
A.Henden's ptm
standards for symbiotic variables
Extragalactic Novae.
Rochester Astronomy
ARAS Spectral Data Base. Galactic Novae.
NASA. Koji's List of Galactic Novae.
Barycentric Velocity Correction. Java applet.
Barycentric corrections on time and radial velocity. Mercator telescope, La Palma.
Transient Name Server. Weizmann Institute.
The Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF). Database.
Astrosurf. Spectroscopy,
Detectors, Softweres for Astronomy.
Astronomical institutes and organizations
Sternberg Astronomical Institute (Rus.)
Crimean Astrophysical Observatory
Tian Shan Astrophysical Observatory, Kazakhstan
International Astronomical Union
IAU: Light pollution
European Southern Observatory
European Astronomical Society
American Association of Variable Star Observers
Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Center for Backyard Astrophysics
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
RXTE/ASM Light Curves Overview
Chandra. X-ray observatory
INTEGRAL. Gamma-ray laboratory
MAXI X-Ray All-Sky Monitor
The United States Naval Observatory
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
NRAO - National Radio Astronomical Observatory
IDA - International Dark-Sky Organization.
In Facebook
Private Internet sites of russian professional astronomers
AstroTop 100
Russian and International astronomical meetings
Scientific conferences in Russia
CADC/Meeting List
Financial Support for Astronomy
Russian Foundation for Basic Research
European Science Foundation
Journals and information serveys
Astrophysical Journal
Astronomical Journal
Publications of the American Astronomical Society Pacific
EDP Sciences. Astronomy and Astrophysics
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Annual Review of Astronomy
and Astrophysics
Publications of the Astronomical Society Japan
Informational Bulletin on Variable Stars
Variable Stars (Russian)
AAVSO Journal
Open European Journal on Variable Stars (Czehia)
Astronomy Reports (Rus.)
Astronomy Letters (Rus.)
Astrophysical Bulletin (Rus.)
ATEL. Astronomers Telegram
IAU Circulars
The ESO Messenger
Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica
GCN. Gamma Burster Information
AGB Newsletter
VSOLJ Variable Star Bulletin
VSNET Mailing Lists
Astronomy Picture of the Day
in Asteroseismology (Austria). Stopped Edition
Sky and Telescope
Sterne und Weltraum (Germany)
SAO Video Conferences
Correct time for astronomy
Astronomy for amateurs
24 time zones
USNO Time Service Department
Greenwich Mean Time
Time Is
Today's Weather Map of Russia
Russia's Weather
GisMeteo Nizhnij Arkhys
Meteo France
Weather-Forcast.Com in Zelenchukskaya
Weather map ZAMG,
Meteonova robot. Weather in Nizhnij Arkhyz
Accuweather. Satellite. Russia
MetOffice, England. World satellite imagery
MeteoBlue. Satellite and Rain Images for Nizhniy Arkhyz
Sky web cameras of SAO RAS Upper Observation Area
BTA on line
BTA Dome and Zeiss-1000
BTA guide camera
BTA meteo environment
Sky web cameras of the SAI Crimean Astronomical Station
Station on line